Thursday, December 11, 2014

Curtain Call

It's been an amazing experience this semester. I am glad that I had the opportunity to discover literature that I had not explored before and learn how to utilize the new ideas in teaching. I am able to identify quality literature, interesting authors/illustrators, and have developed a classroom library as a resource. 

I am more aware of integrating multicultural books into the class. I also understand the importance of using mirror and window books. I took risks because I read across the genres, wrote responsively, investigated a variety of authors, and researched new techniques to teach reading more effectively. The special author visits were exciting because I learned about the writing process and the work behind producing a quality piece of literature.

The Reading and Literature Course truly took a social constructivist approach because there were many opportunities for us to collaborate like on the genre project, an in-class author project, and through class discussions. Using puppetry and acting in reader's theatre allowed me to express myself creatively and I can see why this type of learning appeals to so many children.

I learned from others during their book talks and author shares. I was so impressed by how motivated everyone was to share ideas and knowledge. As I acquired the new information, I constructed meaning through my blog and in participation with class forums. It was valuable to give feedback to classmates and I looked forward to learning from their responses as well. Making connections and building upon my prior knowledge has given me the confidence and skills to be the best teacher I can be.

A Book with a View - Picturebooks!

Picturebooks are a format of literature that combines storytelling and the art of illustration. The words can tell things that are not in the pictures and the pictures reveal what the words do not. The illustration are an integral part of the story and provide literary elements like setting, characterization, mood, plot, style of writing, and even theme.  Picturebooks include include these types of genres: folklore, fantasy, contemporary realistic fiction, and historical fiction.

Using picturebooks to teach can help your students develop visual literacy skills. The illustrators use many artistic elements such as line, shape, color, texture, and medium. Teachers can have students examine the title page, front and back covers, and end pages to guess a purpose for the story. The teacher can have students use their critical thinking to understand the type of mood that is created by the use of color. Guiding questions like "Why do you suppose the illustrator..." or "What do you notice about..." are starting points for valid class discussions. Invite your students to notice the techniques that are used within the picturebook. How do they add to the story?

Beautiful Blackbird by Ashley Bryan uses artistic elements for this folklore genre. The author/illustrator uses a paper collage medium. The complementary colors of red and yellow elicit excitements, warmth, and happiness. The overlapping of images creates a three-dimensional look. A rhythmic pattern enhances the storytelling and leads to a theme that beauty comes from within. The book is a winner of the Coretta Scott King Award!

Students can explore picturebook formats using technology as shown by the latest apps. One good picturebook app is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs from The app gives prompts for directions and options include: Read and Play, Read to Me, or Read by Myself. The user has controls to stop the text with audio when desired. A kid-friendly voice with a variety of dialogue is used throughout the book and gives drama to the turning of the page. The tab to scroll scenes allows the user to go forward or backward into the story. The app is easy to navigate, includes activities such as mixing a potion in a cauldron, and even a puzzle to create!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Learning with Literature

Literature-Based Instruction:
Literacy learning begins early and continues throughout the development of a child. It is a social and cognitive process that strengthens through constant exposure to books. Literacy has its beginnings within the family's culture and communication. Positive interactions with books enrich, entertain, and allow students to participate in an emotional journey. Readers can live vicariously through the main character and can see the world through their perspective.  

Students need good literature to practice their reading skills and to build schema. They help students think about their world and their place within in. Patterned, predictable texts are best for early readers to develop the love and motivation to read.

 Wordless books are perfect for storytelling. Children who use them become more attentive to details in the pictures. Picturebooks provide opportunities to read aloud and discuss. 
Easy-to-read book help students make sense of text. Transitional chapter books help students develop good writing skills.

Books can offer collaborative opportunities and a variety of interpretations. They can stimulate "cross-talk" and support critical thinking.  They can be used across the curriculum in all subject areas. More reading leads to increased abilities and general knowledge from which to build upon. Comprehension strategies are directly linked to a child being able to read and respond to a book. Teachers can help students learn how to make connections such as text-text, text-self, and text-world. A response-centered curriculum recognizes and encourages diversity and interactions. 

Literature-based literacy includes read alouds, oral language activities, time to read, a rich choice of reading material, and a purposeful classroom. It offers students the opportunity to read, write, speak, and listen to generate meaning. Every teacher's objective should be to broaden the student's world by providing virtual experiences, enhanced language, and exposure to new information. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Problematic Books and Mirror Texts

Times sure have changed. In the late 1800's, many schools were about conformity and philosophies supported a white culture. For example, a government-run boarding school founded by Captain Richard Henry Pratt in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1879, was set up to destroy traditional extended families and Native American cultures. During this time period, Native people were confined to reservations and not allowed to leave without permission from the government. Parents were forced to send their children to boarding schools. The government forced as many as 10,000 children to the Carlisle School. It made children want to deny their Native American roots and learn only the white man's ways. A white dominated society wanted people to think that American Indians were bad.

The book, My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, A Sioux Girl, written by Ann Rinaldi, is an example of a problematic book. When using historical fiction in the classroom, facts must be well-researched and accurate. This book, however, is not an example of quality literature. The author, Rinaldi, uses real names but made up the experiences to go along with their lives. It dishonors the memory of those who died during this time. The author also uses the phrase, "my heart is on the ground" in a trivial way and with little respect to the meaning behind the Cheyenne proverb. Ann Rinaldi also uses inaccuracies about the people. For example, American Horse was cousin to Red Cloud, not "Chief of the Red Cloud Sioux." She states that  most of the graduates "went on to earn a living away from the reservation" or "went on to higher education", but in actuality fewer than 10% graduated. More students ran away or died at school.

A writer of historical fiction needs to be culturally authentic. Ann Rinaldi writes that Nannie Little Rose refers to herself as Sioux. However, she would have called herself by her band, Sicangu, or by her location, Spotted Tail Agency. The novel is written in diary format, yet diaries have never been found as artifacts by the Carlisle School. The very premise of her book, therefore, is not accurate. Rinaldi also linked a rumored ghost story to explain the death of a student who was Nannie Little Rose's friend, Lucy Pretty Eagle. The story of a child buried alive was made to be the fate of Lucy, although this was never proven to be so.Stereotypical language including an over-emphasis on compound words is wrong. The derogatory references to women and girls are also not indicative of the Lakota culture. Books that do not represent a culture accurately such as this one should not be used in the classroom. (Article cited: "Fiction Posing as Truth" by Debbie Reese, et al.)

Good children's literature should be free of stereotypes. History should be reflected in an honest way. Showing how the Native American culture resisted the "whitewashing" would show how courageous Native Americans were during this time. Allowing students to see their cultural identity is important. Showing sensitivity and respect for others is what needs to be taught through quality literature. Children's books can represent a child's cultural background, include their home language, explore ideas and issues such as immigration, and/or accept cultural differences. It is important that all students have the opportunity to see their culture reflected in books, otherwise known as mirror texts.

In Painted Words, by Aliki, Marianthe's paintings help her to become less of an outsider as she struggles to adjust to a new language and a new school. The teacher discovers Marianthe's talent for art and helps to use that skill to tell her story. Mari creates pictures to illustrate the history of her family, and eventually begins to learn English words to communicate with others. In  the second part of the two book series, Spoken Memories, Mari is finally able to use her new words to narrate the sequence of paintings she created, and shares her homeland memories to her classmates.

Coming to America: A Muslim Family's Story, written and photographed by Bernard Wolf is another example of a mirror text. The book tells the story of Rowan Mahmoud's father who came from Alexandria, Egypt in search of a better life. He worked hard for four years to save up his money to bring his family to the U.S. to live. The book portrays the culture of contemporary Muslims living in the United States. It shows how the family still preserves and respects their culture and religious beliefs. 

To add more diversity to a classroom library, I have found that Lee and Low publishers and Barefoot Books offer some good suggestions. Joseph Bruchac and Patricia Polacco are strong authors who offer a multicultural perspective through their books. The website provides resources that can help the Native peoples and others. This organization teaches respect and helps parents and educators to provide their children with historically accurate, culturally appropriate information about Native peoples.