Thursday, December 11, 2014

Curtain Call

It's been an amazing experience this semester. I am glad that I had the opportunity to discover literature that I had not explored before and learn how to utilize the new ideas in teaching. I am able to identify quality literature, interesting authors/illustrators, and have developed a classroom library as a resource. 

I am more aware of integrating multicultural books into the class. I also understand the importance of using mirror and window books. I took risks because I read across the genres, wrote responsively, investigated a variety of authors, and researched new techniques to teach reading more effectively. The special author visits were exciting because I learned about the writing process and the work behind producing a quality piece of literature.

The Reading and Literature Course truly took a social constructivist approach because there were many opportunities for us to collaborate like on the genre project, an in-class author project, and through class discussions. Using puppetry and acting in reader's theatre allowed me to express myself creatively and I can see why this type of learning appeals to so many children.

I learned from others during their book talks and author shares. I was so impressed by how motivated everyone was to share ideas and knowledge. As I acquired the new information, I constructed meaning through my blog and in participation with class forums. It was valuable to give feedback to classmates and I looked forward to learning from their responses as well. Making connections and building upon my prior knowledge has given me the confidence and skills to be the best teacher I can be.

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